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intelicare > News > Bausano > Interplas 2023 – thank you and see you in 2026!

Interplas 2023 – thank you and see you in 2026!

Category: Bausano, Event, Extrusion, Fontijne Presses, Frigosystem, Heated Platen Presses, Intelicare Ltd, Sustainability and Environment, Temperature Control

Interplas 2023 was a fantastic few days for the Intelicare team, and now it is out of the frying pan and into the fire with lots of follow up leads and customer visits this week! Thank you to all who came to visit both the Intelicare Ltd and the Bausano stands – we hope to see you again soon!

A special thank you to our Partners who came to support us at Interplas:

It was an honour to host Miriam and Luc at the Intelicare stand, and to join Giorgio at the Bausano stand.

On Wednesday our Sales Manager, Paul took to the Interplas Introducing Stage as a speaker, presenting “A Path to Innovation: Avoiding Sag in Pipe Extrusion and Vent Design for Single Screw Extruders” for which we received fantastic feedback.

If you couldn’t make it to Interplas 2023, or if you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch at sales@intelicare.co.uk or use the form below.

Our next event is Advanced Engineering on 1st and 2nd November 2023, so we hope to see you at stand X100! Register now.

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