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Supplier Spotlight: Fontijne Presses

Category: Fontijne Presses, Heated Platen Presses, Supplier Spotlight
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Intelicare only works with suppliers that share our core values of quality, innovation and excellence in aftercare. In our Supplier Spotlight series we are taking a deep dive into what makes our suppliers tick, why we work with them, and why you should consider them for your next project. Today we are looking at specialist laboratory platen press manufacturers Fontijne Presses.


Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, for more than 100 years Fontijne Presses have been used in the polymer processing, rubber, composites laminating and wood industry, as well as being extensively used in universities and research centres. Intelicare have been partnered with Fontijne since 2007, bringing their specialised and highly praised laboratory platen presses to UK manufacturing.

Check out the full Fontijne Presses range

LabManual 300 ©Fontijne Presses 2022

Laboratory Presses to Suit Specific Requirements
Fontijne Presses want to build the most suitable laboratory platen press according to the specific requirements for their particular application. By means of modern techniques, smart developments, and customisation, they aim to deliver products of the highest quality and reliability. Fontijne customers can expect uninterrupted operation of their equipment in order to keep their own production, development and quality programs at optimal efficiency.

ISO 9001:2015 certified
Fontijne Presses holds the ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) certification: proof of the highest standards they continuously strive to reach. This certification shows that the quality management system of Fontijne Presses B.V. and its application comply with the requirements laid down in the standard: NEN-EN-ISO 9001:2015.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification is granted based on the evaluation of the quality management system that has taken place in accordance with the certification regulations of TÜV Netherlands for the area of application: Designing, selling, manufacturing and servicing of customised laboratory presses for the research and production industry.

Fontijne Heated Platen Presses
Fontijne Heated Platen Presses

The Right Laboratory Press for Every Sample
Intelicare and Fontijne Presses can help you ensure you have the right laboratory press for every sample. Manufacturing materials are becoming more sophisticated, and so should your laboratory press, with features including:
Modern and slim design with small footprint
 Complete portfolio with automated and manual laboratory presses
 Customised lab press available (including vacuum chamber)
 Intuitive and easy to use software.

In their own words

We exclusively manufacture laboratory presses. This means that all our efforts and research are focused on laboratory presses, nothing else.  We offer extensive and in-depth customising options on our various models, to make sure your press will meet all of your requirements.

Fontijne Presses and Your Project
Whether you are looking to start a new venture, or to upgrade your current equipment, contact Phil at presses@intelicare.co.uk or call 01777 248777 to start the conversation.

You can also request a technical brochure, or follow Intelicare on LinkedIn for regular updates about all our suppliers.

For more information about what is important to Intelicare you can find out more About Us.

LabManual 300 & LabManual 50

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